School News
Back to School Newsletter
Click HERE to read the Glen Loch Back to School Newsletter
Glen Loch Newsletter, May
You can find the Glen Loch Elementary May Newsletter HERE.
Glen Loch Newsletter, April
You can find the Glen Loch Newsletter for April HERE. This includes information about Field Day!
Glen Loch Newsletter, March
You can find the Glen Loch Elementary March Newsletter HERE.
Glen Loch Newsletter, February
You can find the Glen Loch Elementary February Newsletter HERE.
Book Fair Information
The Scholastic book fair will be held from December 2-9. You can shop the fair online here. The book fair…
Glen Loch Newsletter, 12/1/22
You can find the newest version of our newsletter HERE.
Glen Loch Newsletter, 11/15/2022
Please click HERE to read our most recent school newsletter.
Red Ribbon Week October 24-28
We have a lot of fun dress up days and activities planned for Red Ribbon Week. Please join us to…
Glen Loch Newsletter 10/20/22
Please read our most recent school newsletter HERE.